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What happens to my B€ if the BarterNext system fails?

This is a frequent question we are asked and it is a legitimate one? What should I do if I have B€ registered on a BarterNext account and the network is bankrupt?

The BarterNext system is based on a three-headed system with 3 structures:

  • The cooperative that "owns" the network has data on the B€ and the guarantee fund, which had a capacity at the time of its last audit of 1.3 Million B€ or 830% of its effective needs in a normal year.
  • An interchangeable billing and management body that bills and assumes structural risks
  • A technology management company managing the IT maintenance of servers, mobile app and using world leading technology and handling billions of transactions every year.

This means that in the event of a minor problem, the system is resilient, the proof being that we crossed without a hitch:

  • The banking crisis of 2008
  • The Covid19 crisis

And in case of serious problems, members and strategic assets can be taken over by the members themselves who are all cooperators of BarterNext.

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What is the duration of a BarterNext contract?

The minimum commitment is 1 month, to stop your contract with BarterNext you simply need to have a balance of 0 B€ on your account.

If at that time the balance is positive and you close your account, the balance is transferred to the guarantee fund. It is possible to restore it in case of reaffiliation. If the balance is negative, you must pay it back in euros.

If one or more monthly payments of your subscription are in default, the contract can be suspended and then terminated by BarterNext.

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